Interface IExplodedBasicBlock

All Superinterfaces:
IBasicBlock<SSAInstruction>, INodeWithNumber, ISSABasicBlock, Iterable<SSAInstruction>

public interface IExplodedBasicBlock extends ISSABasicBlock
A basic block with exactly one normal instruction (which may be null), corresponding to a single instruction index in the SSA instruction array.

The block may also have phis.

  • Method Details

    • getInstruction

      SSAInstruction getInstruction()
      get the instruction for this block, or null if the block has no instruction
    • getCatchInstruction

      SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction getCatchInstruction()
      if this represents an exception handler block, return the corresponding SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction
      IllegalArgumentException - if this does not represent an exception handler block
    • getOriginalNumber

      int getOriginalNumber()
      get the number of the original basic block containing the instruction of this exploded block