Interface IBasicBlock<InstType>

All Superinterfaces:
INodeWithNumber, Iterable<InstType>
All Known Subinterfaces:
IExplodedBasicBlock, ISSABasicBlock
All Known Implementing Classes:
AstTranslator.PreBasicBlock, BasicBlockInContext, DexCFG.BasicBlock, InducedCFG.BasicBlock, ShrikeCFG.BasicBlock, SSACFG.BasicBlock, SSACFG.ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock

public interface IBasicBlock<InstType> extends INodeWithNumber, Iterable<InstType>
An interface for a basic block in a control flow graph.
  • Method Details

    • getFirstInstructionIndex

      int getFirstInstructionIndex()
      Get the index of the first instruction in the basic block. The value is an index into the instruction array that contains all the instructions for the method.

      If the result is < 0, the block has no instructions

      the instruction index for the first instruction in the basic block.
    • getLastInstructionIndex

      int getLastInstructionIndex()
      Get the index of the last instruction in the basic block. The value is an index into the instruction array that contains all the instructions for the method.

      If the result is < 0, the block has no instructions

      the instruction index for the last instruction in the basic block
    • isCatchBlock

      boolean isCatchBlock()
      Return true if the basic block represents a catch block.
      true if the basic block represents a catch block.
    • isExitBlock

      boolean isExitBlock()
      Return true if the basic block represents the unique exit block.
      true if the basic block represents the unique exit block.
    • isEntryBlock

      boolean isEntryBlock()
      Return true if the basic block represents the unique entry block.
      true if the basic block represents the unique entry block.
    • getMethod

      IMethod getMethod()
      governing method for this block
    • getNumber

      int getNumber()
      Each basic block should have a unique number in its cfg
      the basic block's number