ClassDescriptionThis class reads Annotations attributes, e.g., RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations.Representation of an annotation attribute.represents an annotation argument that itself is an array of argumentsRepresents a constant argument to an annotation.Marker interface for possible element values in an annotation attribute.Represents enum constant annotation arguments.This is a base class for "attribute readers", the classes which provide access to the contents of attributes.This interface defines class file constants used by ShrikeCT.This is the core class for reading class file data.AttrIterator provides access to attributes in the class file.This class formats and writes class data into JVM format.An Element is an object that can be serialized into a byte buffer.A RawElement is an Element that is already available as some chunk of a byte buffer.This attribute reader reads Code attributes from methods.This class helps emit Code elements.A ConstantPoolParser provides read-only access to the constant pool of a class file.This class reads ConstantValue attributes.This class builds serializable ConstantValue attributes.This class reads Exceptions attributes.This class builds serializable Exceptions attributes.This class reads InnerClasses attributes.This class builds serializable InnerClasses attributes.This exception is thrown when we detect that the incoming class file data was not a valid class file.This class reads LineNumberTable attributes.This class helps emit LineNumberTable attributes.This class reads LocalVariableTable attributes.This class helps emit LocalVariableTable attributes.This class reads Signature attributes.This class reads SourceFile attributes.This class builds serializable SourceFile attributes.This class reads TypeAnnotations attributes, i.e.: RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations and RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsPossible target_type items.Known target_types for JSR 308 Type-Annotation.Enumeration of those Bytecode locations where type annotation may appear (in the corresponding attribute table).A
represents one of the possible target_info structure