Class ClassWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassWriter extends Object implements ClassConstants
This class formats and writes class data into JVM format.
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassWriter

      public ClassWriter()
      Create a blank ClassWriter with no methods, fields, or attributes, an empty constant pool, no super class, no implemented interfaces, no name, majorVersion 46, and minorVersion 0.
  • Method Details

    • setMajorVersion

      public void setMajorVersion(int major)
      Set the class file format major version. You probably don't want to use this unless you really know what you are doing.
    • setMinorVersion

      public void setMinorVersion(int minor)
      Set the class file format minor version. You probably don't want to use this unless you really know what you are doing.
    • setRawCP

      public void setRawCP(ConstantPoolParser cp, boolean cacheEntries) throws InvalidClassFileException, IllegalArgumentException
      Copy a constant pool from some ClassReader into this class. This must be done before any entries are allocated in this ClassWriter's constant pool, and it can only be done once. If and only if this is done, it is safe to copy "raw" fields, methods and attributes from the ClassReader into this class, because the constant pool references in those fields, methods and attributes are guaranteed to point to the same constant pool items in this new class.
      cacheEntries - records whether to parse the raw constant pool completely so that if new entries are required which are the same as entries already in the raw pool, the existing entries in the raw pool are used instead. Setting this to 'true' produces smaller constant pools but may slow down performance because the raw pool must be completely parsed
    • setForceAddCPEntries

      public void setForceAddCPEntries(boolean force)
      force - true iff you want the addCP methods to always create a new constant pool entry and never reuse an existing constant pool entry
    • addCPEntry

      protected int addCPEntry(Object o, int size)
    • addCPUtf8

      public int addCPUtf8(String s)
      Add a Utf8 string to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPInt

      public int addCPInt(int i)
      Add an Integer to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPFloat

      public int addCPFloat(float f)
      Add a Float to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPLong

      public int addCPLong(long l)
      Add a Long to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPDouble

      public int addCPDouble(double d)
      Add a Double to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPMethodHandle

      public int addCPMethodHandle(ConstantPoolParser.ReferenceToken c)
    • addCPString

      public int addCPString(String s)
      Add a String to the constant pool if necessary.
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPClass

      public int addCPClass(String s)
      Add a Class to the constant pool if necessary.
      s - the class name, in JVM format (e.g., java/lang/Object)
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPMethodType

      public int addCPMethodType(String s)
      Add a Class to the constant pool if necessary.
      s - the class name, in JVM format (e.g., java/lang/Object)
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPFieldRef

      public int addCPFieldRef(String c, String n, String t)
      Add a FieldRef to the constant pool if necessary.
      c - the class name, in JVM format (e.g., java/lang/Object)
      n - the field name
      t - the field type, in JVM format (e.g., I, Z, or Ljava/lang/Object;)
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPMethodRef

      public int addCPMethodRef(String c, String n, String t)
      Add a MethodRef to the constant pool if necessary.
      c - the class name, in JVM format (e.g., java/lang/Object)
      n - the method name
      t - the method type, in JVM format (e.g., V(ILjava/lang/Object;) )
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPInterfaceMethodRef

      public int addCPInterfaceMethodRef(String c, String n, String t)
      Add an InterfaceMethodRef to the constant pool if necessary.
      c - the class name, in JVM format (e.g., java/lang/Object)
      n - the field name
      t - the method type, in JVM format (e.g., V(ILjava/lang/Object;) )
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPNAT

      public int addCPNAT(String n, String t)
      Add a NameAndType to the constant pool if necessary.
      n - the name
      t - the type, in JVM format
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • addCPInvokeDynamic

      public int addCPInvokeDynamic(BootstrapMethodsReader.BootstrapMethod b, String n, String t)
      Add an InvokeDynamic to the constant pool if necessary.
      n - the name
      t - the type, in JVM format
      the index of a constant pool item with the right value
    • setAccessFlags

      public void setAccessFlags(int f)
      Set the access flags for the class.
    • setNameIndex

      public void setNameIndex(int c) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the constant pool index for the name of the class.
    • setSuperNameIndex

      public void setSuperNameIndex(int c)
      Set the constant pool index for the name of the superclass.
    • setInterfaceNameIndices

      public void setInterfaceNameIndices(int[] ifaces)
      Set the constant pool indices for the names of the implemented interfaces.
    • setName

      public void setName(String c)
      Set the name of the class.
    • setSuperName

      public void setSuperName(String c)
      Set the name of the superclass; if c is null, then there is no superclass (this must be java/lang/Object).
    • setInterfaceNames

      public void setInterfaceNames(String[] ifaces)
      Set the names of the implemented interfaces.
    • addRawMethod

      public void addRawMethod(ClassWriter.Element e)
      Add a method to the class, the method data given as "raw" bytes (probably obtained from a ClassReader).
    • addRawField

      public void addRawField(ClassWriter.Element e)
      Add a field to the class, the field data given as "raw" bytes (probably obtained from a ClassReader).
    • addMethod

      public void addMethod(int access, String name, String type, ClassWriter.Element[] attributes)
      Add a method to the class.
      access - the access flags
      name - the method name
      type - the method type in JVM format (e.g., V(ILjava/lang/Object;) )
      attributes - the attributes in raw form, one Element per attribute
    • addField

      public void addField(int access, String name, String type, ClassWriter.Element[] attributes)
      Add a field to the class.
      access - the access flags
      name - the field name
      type - the field type in JVM format (e.g., I, Z, Ljava/lang/Object;)
      attributes - the attributes in raw form, one Element per attribute
    • addMethod

      public void addMethod(int access, int name, int type, ClassWriter.Element[] attributes)
      Add a method to the class.
      access - the access flags
      name - the constant pool index of the method name
      type - the constant pool index of the method type in JVM format (e.g., V(ILjava/lang/Object;) )
      attributes - the attributes in raw form, one Element per attribute
    • addField

      public void addField(int access, int name, int type, ClassWriter.Element[] attributes)
      Add a field to the class.
      access - the access flags
      name - the constant pool index of the field name
      type - the constant pool index of the field type in JVM format (e.g., I, Z, Ljava/lang/Object;)
      attributes - the attributes in raw form, one Element per attribute
    • addClassAttribute

      public void addClassAttribute(ClassWriter.Element attribute)
      Add an atttribute to the class.
      attribute - the attribute in raw form
    • makeBytes

      public byte[] makeBytes() throws IllegalArgumentException
      After you've added everything you need to the class, call this method to generate the actual class file data. This can only be called once.
    • setUByte

      public static void setUByte(byte[] buf, int offset, int v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the byte at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the unsigned 8-bit value in v.
      IllegalArgumentException - if buf is null
    • setInt

      public static void setInt(byte[] buf, int offset, int v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the 4 bytes at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the signed 32-bit value in v.
      IllegalArgumentException - if buf is null
    • setLong

      public static void setLong(byte[] buf, int offset, long v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the 8 bytes at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the signed 64-bit value in v.
    • setFloat

      public static void setFloat(byte[] buf, int offset, float v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the 4 bytes at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the float value in v.
    • setDouble

      public static void setDouble(byte[] buf, int offset, double v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the 8 bytes at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the double value in v.
    • setUShort

      public static void setUShort(byte[] buf, int offset, int v) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the 2 bytes at offset 'offset' in 'buf' to the unsigned 16-bit value in v.
      IllegalArgumentException - if buf is null