Interface EdgeFilter<T extends IBasicBlock<?>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ExceptionAnalysis2EdgeFilter, ExceptionFilter2EdgeFilter, NegativeGraphFilter

public interface EdgeFilter<T extends IBasicBlock<?>>
This class is used by the PrunedCFG to determine which edges in a given CFG should be kept in the pruned version.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    hasExceptionalEdge(T src, T dst)
    This method must return true if and only if an exceptional edge from src to dst exists in the original CFG and should be kept for the pruned version of that CFG.
    hasNormalEdge(T src, T dst)
    This method must return true if and only if a normal edge from src to dst exists in the original CFG and should be kept for the pruned version of that CFG.
  • Method Details

    • hasNormalEdge

      boolean hasNormalEdge(T src, T dst)
      This method must return true if and only if a normal edge from src to dst exists in the original CFG and should be kept for the pruned version of that CFG. Note that this must _must_ return false for any normal edge that is not in the original CFG.
    • hasExceptionalEdge

      boolean hasExceptionalEdge(T src, T dst)
      This method must return true if and only if an exceptional edge from src to dst exists in the original CFG and should be kept for the pruned version of that CFG. Note that this must _must_ return false for any exceptional edge that is not in the original CFG.