ClassDescriptionIntraprocedural null pointer analysis for the exploded control flow graph.IntraprocNullPointerAnalysis<T extends ISSABasicBlock>Intraprocedural dataflow analysis to detect impossible NullPointerExceptions.Provides a way for the nullpointer analysis to decide whether or not a called method may throw an exception.MutableCFG<X,
T extends IBasicBlock<X>> A modifiable control flow graph.NegativeGraphFilter<T extends IBasicBlock<?>>An EdgeFilter that ignores all edges contained in a given graph.NullPointerFrameWork<T extends ISSABasicBlock>Nullpointer analysis - NOT A REAL KILDALL framework instance, because the transfer functions are not distribute (similar to constant propagation).NullPointerSolver<B extends ISSABasicBlock>Intraprocedural dataflow analysis to detect impossible NullPointerExceptions.States for the ssa variables.Combinators forUnaryOperator
OperatorUtil.UnaryOperatorSequence<T extends IVariable<T>>An operator of the form lhs = op_1(op_2(..op_n(rhs)..))Encapsulates the state of all parameters of an invoked method