Class ContainerContextSelector

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContainerContextSelector extends Object implements ContextSelector
This context selector returns a context customized for the InstanceKey of the receiver if Additionally, we add one level of call string context to a few well-known static factory methods from the standard libraries.
  • Field Details Link icon

    • SyntheticSystem Link icon

      public static final TypeReference SyntheticSystem
    • JavaUtilHashtable Link icon

      public static final TypeReference JavaUtilHashtable
    • arraycopyAtom Link icon

      public static final Atom arraycopyAtom
    • synthArraycopy Link icon

      public static final MethodReference synthArraycopy
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ContainerContextSelector Link icon

      public ContainerContextSelector(IClassHierarchy cha, ZeroXInstanceKeys delegate)
      cha - governing class hierarchy
      delegate - object which determines which classes are "interesting"
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getCalleeTarget Link icon

      public Context getCalleeTarget(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site, IMethod callee, InstanceKey[] keys)
      Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
      Given a calling node and a call site, returns the Context in which the callee should be evaluated.
      Specified by:
      getCalleeTarget in interface ContextSelector
      caller - the node containing the call site
      site - description of the call site
      keys - the abstract objects (InstanceKeys) of parameters of interest to the selector
      the Context in which the callee should be evaluated, or null if no information is available.
    • isWellKnownStaticFactory Link icon

      public static boolean isWellKnownStaticFactory(MethodReference m)
      Does m represent a static factory method we know about from the standard libraries, that we usually wish to model with one level of call-string context?
    • isArrayCopyingMethod Link icon

      public static boolean isArrayCopyingMethod(MethodReference m)
      Does m represent a library method that copies arrays?
    • findRecursiveMatchingContext Link icon

      public static Context findRecursiveMatchingContext(IMethod M, Context C, InstanceKey receiver)
      This method walks recursively up the definition of a context C, to see if the chain of contexts that give rise to C a) includes the method M. or b) includes the method in which the receiver was allocated
      the matching context if found, null otherwise
    • findNodeRecursiveMatchingContext Link icon

      public static CGNode findNodeRecursiveMatchingContext(IMethod m, Context c)
      This method walks recursively up the definition of a context C, to see if the chain of contexts that give rise to C includes the method M.

      If C is a ReceiverInstanceContext, Let N be the node that allocated C.instance. If N.method == M, return N. Else return findRecursiveMatchingContext(M, N.context) Else return null

    • findRecursiveMatchingContext Link icon

      public static Context findRecursiveMatchingContext(IMethod M, Context C)
      This method walks recursively up the definition of a context C, to see if the chain of contexts that give rise to C includes the method M.

      If C is a ReceiverInstanceContext, Let N be the node that allocated C.instance. If N.method == M, return N.context. Else return findRecursiveMatchingContext(M, N.context) Else return null

    • mayUnderstand Link icon

      public boolean mayUnderstand(CallSiteReference site, IMethod targetMethod, InstanceKey receiver)
    • isContainer Link icon

      protected boolean isContainer(IClass C)
      true iff C is a container class
    • getClassHierarchy Link icon

      protected IClassHierarchy getClassHierarchy()
    • getRelevantParameters Link icon

      public IntSet getRelevantParameters(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site)
      Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
      Given a calling node and a call site, return the set of parameters based on which this selector may choose to specialize contexts.
      Specified by:
      getRelevantParameters in interface ContextSelector
      caller - the calling node
      site - the specific call site
      the set of parameters of interest