Interface PointerKeyFactory

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getPointerKeyForLocal Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForLocal(CGNode node, int valueNumber)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representative for the class of pointers that includes the local variable identified by the value number parameter.
    • getFilteredPointerKeyForLocal Link icon

      FilteredPointerKey getFilteredPointerKeyForLocal(CGNode node, int valueNumber, FilteredPointerKey.TypeFilter filter)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representative for the class of pointers that includes the local variable identified by the value number parameter.
    • getPointerKeyForReturnValue Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForReturnValue(CGNode node)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representative for the class of pointers that includes the return value for a node
    • getPointerKeyForExceptionalReturnValue Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForExceptionalReturnValue(CGNode node)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representative for the class of pointers that includes the exceptional return value
    • getPointerKeyForStaticField Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForStaticField(IField f)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representative for the class of pointers that includes the contents of the static field
    • getPointerKeyForInstanceField Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForInstanceField(InstanceKey I, IField field)
      the PointerKey that acts as a representation for the class of pointers that includes the given instance field.
    • getPointerKeyForArrayContents Link icon

      PointerKey getPointerKeyForArrayContents(InstanceKey I)
      TODO: expand this API to differentiate between different array indices
      I - an InstanceKey representing an abstract array
      the PointerKey that acts as a representation for the class of pointers that includes the given array contents.