Interface MethodTargetSelector

All Known Implementing Classes:
BypassMethodTargetSelector, ClassHierarchyMethodTargetSelector, CrossLanguageMethodTargetSelector, JavaScriptConstructTargetSelector, JavaScriptFunctionApplyTargetSelector, JavaScriptFunctionDotCallTargetSelector, LambdaMethodTargetSelector, LoadFileTargetSelector, NodejsRequireTargetSelector, Overrides.StartComponentMethodTargetSelector, StandardFunctionTargetSelector

public interface MethodTargetSelector
This interface represents policies for selecting a method to call at a given invocation site. The most obvious such policy would be to look at the relevant class hierarchy and lookup the appropriate method based on the type reference and name and descriptor at the call site. However, other policies are possible for purposes such as providing an abstraction of unanalyzed libraries or specialized J2EE functionality.

Such policies are consulted by the different analysis mechanisms, both the flow-based and non-flow algorithms. The current mechanism is that the policy object are registered with the AnalysisOptions object, and all analyses that need to analyze invocations ask that object for the method selector to use.

In general, for specialized selectors, it is good practice to build selectors that handle the special case of interest, and otherwise delegate to a child selector. When registering with the AnalysisOptions object, make the child selector be whatever the options object had before.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getCalleeTarget(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site, IClass receiver)
    Given a calling node, a call site and (optionally) a dispatch type, return the target method to be called.
  • Method Details

    • getCalleeTarget

      IMethod getCalleeTarget(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site, IClass receiver)
      Given a calling node, a call site and (optionally) a dispatch type, return the target method to be called.
      caller - the GCNode in the call graph containing the call
      site - the call site reference of the call site
      receiver - the type of the target object or null
      the method to be called.