
  • Classes
    Allows viewing the ClassHeirarcy, CallGraph and Pointer Analysis built from a given classpath.
    This simple example WALA application builds a call graph and fires off ghostview to visualize a DOT representation.
    This simple example application builds a WALA CDG and fires off ghostview to viz a DOT representation.
    This simple example WALA application builds an SDG and fires off ghostview to viz a DOT representation.
    This simple example WALA application computes a slice (see Slicer) and fires off the PDF viewer to view a dot-ted representation of the slice.
    This simple example WALA application builds a TypeHierarchy and fires off ghostview to viz a DOT representation.
    This simple example application builds a WALA IR and fires off a PDF viewer to visualize a DOT representation.
    Driver that constructs a call graph for an application specified via a scope file.