All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExternalModel, IntentModel, MicroModel, MiniModel, SystemServiceModel, UnknownTargetModel

public class AndroidModel extends Object implements IClassHierarchyDweller
The model to be executed at application start.

This method models the lifecycle of an Android Application. By doing so it calls all AndroidEntryPoints set in the AnalysisOptions.

Between the calls to the AndroidEntryPoints special behavior is inserted. You can change that behavior by implementing an AbstractAndroidModel or set one of the existing ones in the AnalysisOptions.

Additionally care of how types are instantiated is taken. You can change this behavior by setting the IInstanciationBehavior in the AnalysisOptions.

Smaller Models exist: * MiniModel calls all components of a specific type (for example all Activities) * MicroModel calls a single specific component * ExternalModel doesn't call anything but fiddles with the data on its own

All these Models are added to a synthetic AndroidModelClass.

Tobias Blaschke <>
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • build

      protected void build(Atom name) throws CancelException
      Generates the model on a sub-set of Entrypoints.

      Asks selectEntryPoint(AndroidEntryPoint) for each EntryPoint known to the AndroidEntryPointManager, if the EntryPoint should be included in the model. Then calls build(Atom, Collection) on these.

      name - The name the generated method will be known as
    • getName

      public Atom getName()
    • isStatic

      public boolean isStatic()
    • getReturnType

      public TypeName getReturnType()
    • getDescriptor

      public Descriptor getDescriptor() throws CancelException
    • build

      protected void build(Atom name, Collection<? extends AndroidEntryPoint> entrypoints) throws CancelException
      Generate the SummarizedMethod for the model (in this.model).

      The actual generated model depends on the on the properties of this overloaded class. Most generated methods should reside in the AndroidModelClass and take AndroidComponents as well as some parameters (these marked REUSE) to the EntryPoints of the components.

      Use getMethod() to retrieve the method generated here or getMethodAs to get a version which is wrapped to another signature.

      name - The name the generated method will be known as
      entrypoints - The functions to call additionally to boot-code and XXX
    • getMethod

      public SummarizedMethod getMethod() throws CancelException
      Building the SummarizedMethod is delayed upon the first class to this method.
      the method for this model as generated by build()
    • getDeclaringClass

      public IClass getDeclaringClass()
      The class the Method representing this Model resides in.

      Most likely the AndroidModelClass.

    • selectEntryPoint

      protected boolean selectEntryPoint(AndroidEntryPoint ep)
      Overridden by models to restraint Entrypoints.

      For each entrypoint this method is queried if it should be part of the model.

      ep - The EntryPoint in question
      if the given EntryPoint shall be part of the model
    • getMethodAs

      public SummarizedMethod getMethodAs(MethodReference asMethod, TypeReference caller, IntentStarters.StartInfo info, CGNode callerNd) throws CancelException
      Get method of the Model in an other Signature.

      Generates a new Method that wraps the model so it can be called using the given Signature. Flags control the behavior of that wrapper.

      Arguments to the wrapping function are "connected through" to the model based on their type only, so if there are multiple Arguments of the same type this may yield to unexpected connections.

      This method is called by the IntentCoentextInterpreter.

      asMethod - The signature to generate
      caller - The class of the caller; only needed depending on the flags
      info - The IntentSterter used
      callerNd - CGNoodle of the caller - may be null
      A wrapper that calls the model
      See Also:
    • getMethodEncap

      public IMethod getMethodEncap() throws CancelException
      Creates an "encapsulated" version of the model.

      The generated method will take no parameters. New instances for REUSE-Parameters will be created.

      This variant is useful for the start of an analysis.

    • getClassHierarchy

      public IClassHierarchy getClassHierarchy()
      Specified by:
      getClassHierarchy in interface IClassHierarchyDweller
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object