Class JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.MemberDestructuringContext<C extends JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<C,T>,T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
TranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<C,T>, JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<C,T>
Enclosing interface:

public static class JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.MemberDestructuringContext<C extends JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<C,T>,T> extends Object implements JavaScriptTranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<C,T>
Used to determine the value to be passed as the 'this' argument for a function call. This is needed since in JavaScript, you can write a call e(...) where e is some arbitrary expression, and in the case where e is a property access like e'.f, we must discover that the value of expression e' is passed as the 'this' parameter.

The general strategy is to store the value of the expression passed as the 'this' parameter in baseVar, and then to use baseVar as the actual argument sub-node for the CAst call node