Class AstLexicalWrite

public class AstLexicalWrite extends AstLexicalAccess
A set of lexical writes. This instruction represents writes of a set of variables that are defined by a pair of variable name and defining code body (i.e. a method or function). This instruction has one local value number use for each lexical write, and the call graph builder ensures that these value numbers are kept consistent as lexical uses and definitions are discovered during call graph construction.
Julian Dolby (
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • copyForSSA

      public SSAInstruction copyForSSA(SSAInstructionFactory insts, int[] defs, int[] uses)
      Description copied from class: SSAInstruction
      This method is meant to be used during SSA conversion for an IR that is not in SSA form. It creates a new SSAInstruction of the same type as the receiver, with a combination of the receiver's uses and defs and those from the method parameters.

      In particular, if the 'defs' parameter is null, then the new instruction has the same defs as the receiver. If 'defs' is not null, it must be an array with a size equal to the number of defs that the receiver instruction has. In this case, the new instruction has defs taken from the array. The uses of the new instruction work in the same way with the 'uses' parameter.

      Note that this only applies to CAst-based IR translation, since Java bytecode-based IR generation uses a different SSA construction mechanism.

      TODO: move this into the SSAInstructionFactory

      Specified by:
      copyForSSA in class SSAInstruction
    • getNumberOfUses

      public int getNumberOfUses()
      getNumberOfUses in class SSAInstruction
    • getUse

      public int getUse(int i)
      getUse in class SSAInstruction
      value number representing the jth use in this instruction. -1 means TOP (i.e., the value doesn't matter)
    • getNumberOfDefs

      public int getNumberOfDefs()
      getNumberOfDefs in class SSAInstruction
    • getDef

      public int getDef(int i)
      Description copied from class: SSAInstruction
      Return the ith def
      getDef in class SSAInstruction
      i - number of the def, starting at 0.
    • toString

      public String toString(SymbolTable symbolTable)
      Specified by:
      toString in class SSAInstruction
    • visit

      public void visit(SSAInstruction.IVisitor v)
      Description copied from class: SSAInstruction
      Apply an IVisitor to this instruction. We invoke the appropriate IVisitor method according to the type of this instruction.
      Specified by:
      visit in class SSAInstruction