Class HeapGraphImpl<T extends InstanceKey>

All Implemented Interfaces:
HeapGraph<T>, EdgeManager<Object>, Graph<Object>, NodeManager<Object>, NumberedEdgeManager<Object>, NumberedGraph<Object>, NumberedNodeManager<Object>, Iterable<Object>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class HeapGraphImpl<T extends InstanceKey> extends Object implements HeapGraph<T>
A Graph view of a pointer analysis solution.

Nodes in the Graph are PointerKeys and InstanceKeys.

There is an edge from a PointerKey P to an InstanceKey I iff the PointerAnalysis indicates that P may point to I.

There is an edge from an InstanceKey I to a PointerKey P iff - P represents a field of an object instance modeled by I, or - P represents the array contents of array instance I.