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A Toolkit for Generating Code Knowledge Graphs


Automated Machine Learning

AutoML systems build machine learning models automatically by performing a search over valid data transformations and learners, along with hyper-parameter optimization for each learner. We present a system called KGpip, based on GraphGen4Code analysis, for the selection of transformations and learners, which (1) builds a database of datasets and corresponding historically used pipelines using effective static analysis instead of the typical use of actual runtime information, (2) uses dataset embeddings to find similar datasets in the database based on its content instead of metadata-based features, (3) models AutoML pipeline creation as a graph generation problem, to succinctly characterize the diverse pipelines seen for a single dataset. KGpip is designed as a sub-component for AutoML systems. We demonstrate this ability via integrating KGpip with two AutoML systems and show that it does significantly enhance the performance of existing state-of-the-art systems.



We also use this analysis for feature engineering from code. Within an enterprise, several data scientists often work with the same type of data. SEMFORMS and DataRinse help data scientists leverage existing code for either feature engineering (SEMFORMS) or for cleansing data (DataRinse).


DataRinse Paper:

Buildng Better Language Models for Code Understanding

Code understanding is an increasingly important application of Artificial Intelligence. A fundamental aspect of understanding code is understanding text about code, e.g., documentation and forum discussions. Pre-trained language models (e.g., BERT) are a popular approach for various NLP tasks, and there are now a variety of benchmarks, such as GLUE, to help improve the development of such models for natural language understanding. However, little is known about how well such models work on textual artifacts about code, and we are unaware of any systematic set of downstream tasks for such an evaluation. In this paper, we derive a set of benchmarks (BLANCA - Benchmarks for LANguage models on Coding Artifacts) that assess code understanding based on tasks such as predicting the best answer to a question in a forum post, finding related forum posts, or predicting classes related in a hierarchy from class documentation. We evaluate the performance of current state-of-the-art language models on these tasks and show that there is a significant improvement on each task from fine tuning. We also show that multi-task training over BLANCA tasks helps build better language models for code understanding.



Large Scale Generation of Labeled Type Data for Python

Recently, dynamically typed languages, such as Python, have gained unprecedented popularity. Although these languages alleviate the need for mandatory type annotations, types still play a critical role in program understanding and preventing runtime errors. An attractive option is to infer types automatically to get static guarantees without writing types. Existing inference techniques rely mostly on static typing tools such as PyType for direct type inference; more recently, neural type inference has been proposed. However, neural type inference is data hungry, and depends on collecting labeled data based on static typing. Such tools, however, are poor at inferring user defined types. Furthermore, type annotation by developers in these languages is quite sparse. In this work, we propose novel techniques for generating high quality types using 1) information retrieval techniques that work on well documented libraries to extract types and 2) usage patterns by analyzing a large repository of programs. Our results show that these techniques are more precise and address the weaknesses of static tools, and can be useful for generating a large labeled dataset for type inference by machine learning methods. F1 scores are 0.52-0.58 for our techniques, compared to static typing tools which are at 0.06, and we use them to generate over 37,000 types for over 700 modules.


Paper: coming soon

Recommendation engine for developers

CodeBreaker is a coding assistant built on top of Graph4Code to help data scientists write code. The coding assistant helps users find the most plausible next coding step, finds relevant stack overflow posts based purely on the users’ code, and allows users to see what sorts of models other people have constructed for data flows similar to their own. CodeBreaker uses the Language Server Protocol (LSP) to provide integration with any IDE. For a detailed description of this use case, see the demo paper. A video of this use case is also here.


Enforcing best practices

Many best practices for API frameworks can be encoded into query templates over data flow and control flow. Here we give three such examples for data science code, along with queries which can be templatized.

Debugging with Stackoverflow

A common use of sites such as StackOverflow is to search for posts related to an issue with a developer’s code, often a crash.
In this use case, we show an example of searching StackOverflow using the code context in the following figure, based on the highlighted code locations found with dataflow to the {\tt fit} call.

Such a search on Graph4Code does produce the StackOverflow result shown above based on links with the coding context, specifically the train_test_split and call as one might expect. Suppose we had given SVC a very large dataset, and the fit call had memory issues; we could augment the query to look for posts that mention `memory issue’, in addition to taking the code context shown in the above figure into consideration. The figure below shows the first result returned by such a query over the knowledge graph. As shown in the figure, this hit is ranked highest because it matches both the code context in motivating figure highlighted with green ellipses, and the terms “memory issue” in the text. What is interesting is that, despite its irrelevant title, the answer is actually a valid one for the problem.

A text search on StackOverflow with sklearn, SVC and memory issues as terms does not return this answer in the top 10 results. We show below the second result, which is the first result returned by a text search on StackOverflow. Note that our system ranks this lower because the coding context does not match the result as closely.

Learning from big code

There has been an explosion of work on mining large open domain repositories for a wide variety of tasks (see here). We sketch a couple of examples for how Graph4Code can be used in this context.