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A Toolkit for Generating Code Knowledge Graphs

Query Example 1: Get documentation about a function or class

The first example query returns the documentation of a class or function, in this case pandas.read_csv. It also returns parameter and return types, when known. One can expand these parameters (?param) further to get their labels, documentation, inferred types, and check if they are optional.

select ?doc ?param ?return where {
   graph <> {
      ?s  rdfs:label "pandas.read_csv" ;
          skos:definition ?doc .
      optional { ?s g4c:param ?param . }
      optional { ?s g4c:return ?return . }
Query Example 2: Search in forums posts for program code

The query below assumes that the user has a context in the program from which they are launching their search. ?f specifies a list of functions that represent the calling context.

select ?q ?t ?q_content ?a_content ?c where {
   graph <> {
        # gather questions that are about the list of functions, counting the number of hits to functions
        # per question.  Here we used values to specify that list as ?f
        select ?q (count(?q) as ?c) {
            values (?f) {
           ?q rdf:type  schema:Question;
              schema:about ?f ;

       } group by ?q
        # gather the content and title of the question, its suggested answers and their content
        # ensuring the answer contains some phrase
       ?q schema:suggestedAnswer ?a ;
            sioc:content  ?q_content ;
            schema:name ?t.
       ?a rdf:type schema:Answer ;
            sioc:content ?a_content .
       filter(contains(?a_content, "memory issue"))
} order by desc(?c)
Query Example 3: Understand how data scientists use functions or classes

Another use of Graph4Code is to understand how people use functions such as pandas.read_csv. In particular, the query below shows when pandas.read_csv is used, what are the fit functions that are typically applied on its output.

select distinct ?label where {
   graph ?g {
        ?read rdfs:label "pandas.read_csv" .
        ?fit schema:about "fit" .
        ?read graph4code:flowsTo+ ?fit .
        ?fit rdfs:label ?label .

More Example queries can be found here